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DevOps & Cloud infrastructure

No time to worry

Isn’t it the worst when you feel abandoned? It certainly won’t happen with us. We offer various support and maintenance plans as well as dedicated hosting available just for our clients. You do not need to worry, just sit back and relax.

Interested? Let's talk.


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Its key features include automatic load balancing, self-healing capabilities, and simplified management of containerized workloads.

We can help you build your own infrastructure for stable and realible work.

With Kubernetes you are getting:

  • Scalability
  • Portability
  • Resilience
  • Simplified management
  • Support of open-source community
Open Shift

If you need or want to use the Open Shift, we can help build it to suit your needs.

With Open Shift you are getting:

  • Enterprise-grade security
  • it’s developer-friendly
  • Scalability
  • Hybrid cloud support > hosted on premise or in public clouds
  • Integrated platform for monitoring CI/CD....
Automated deployment

When you have a big and robust system you need automated deployment.

This process involves automatically building, testing, and deploying software changes to different environments, such as development, testing, and production, without the need for manual intervention.

It’s consists of:

  • Build automation
  • Testing automation
  • Deployment automation
  • Rollback automation
  • Monitoring automation

If you are struggling with errors and downtime, speed and frequency of deployments, and you want to improve the overall efficiency of the software development and deployment process contact us and we will build an solution for you.

Good software is not completely good if automated deployment is not in the place.


We can help you create a good backup strategy on a different places based on data privacy policies.

Different type of data, frequency and location of the files can determine how the rules for backup needs to be structured. Backup is also considering monitor and rollback of data of any size.

You are not alone on this adventure

Be sure: our work doesn’t stop once your website is online. We will continue to guide you through further steps and offer ideas for making your site’s performance better day after day.

Our work is never done, so we are continuously fine-tuning and improving it. The website is a living system that needs to be monitored and updated from time to time. Depending on your business functions, it should also be tested and updated precisely.  New ideas and fresh inspiration, lead to new features and bigger achievements.

The first impression is truly important, and you need to be sure that you leave your visitors with a good one.  

With our maintenance and support, you can be sure.


You can choose one of our specially-designed maintenance plans including features from regular website check-ups to unlimited website support.

Sleep well while your website makes money for you.

Here’s an ideal concept: you sleep soundly, while we will make sure your website runs smoothly and makes money for you.

Let's talk!