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Project management

Research and discovery

Research and discovery is a crucial topic in software development project management, as it enables teams to identify and explore potential solutions to a problem before committing significant time and resources.

This stage typically involves gathering and analyzing data, researching industry trends and best practices, and conducting user research to better understand user needs and expectations.

Effective research and discovery can help ensure that development efforts are focused on the most promising ideas and solutions, reducing the risk of costly and time-consuming mistakes later in the project.

Project managers play a key role in guiding and facilitating the research and discovery process, ensuring that teams have the resources and support they need to conduct effective research and make informed decisions throughout the project lifecycle.

Business goals vs technical solutions

Balancing business goals with technical solutions is a critical consideration in software development project management.

While technical solutions must meet the functional requirements of the business, they must also align with broader business goals and priorities such as market positioning, revenue growth, and customer satisfaction.

Effective project management requires a collaborative approach between business stakeholders and technical teams to ensure that both technical and business considerations are accounted for in the software development process.

Making milestones and timeline (Gantt chart)

Milestones helps with planning and organization. They provides a sense of accomplishment, facilitates stakeholder communication and risk management control.

Overall, milestones provide a structured framework for managing long software development projects, enabling teams to stay focused, motivated, and on track towards achieving project goals.

Team leadership (Tech lead and PM)

To choose the right team for a software project, a project manager needs to have technical expertise, communication skills, and the ability to build teamwork and collaboration.

Additionally, it's important to look for team members with problem-solving skills and adaptability, as these qualities help teams respond to changing requirements and overcome obstacles throughout the project lifecycle.

Progress / People / Time management

Overall, time tracking and progress tracking are a valuable tools for software development project management, providing critical insights into resource allocation, billing and invoicing, performance analysis, and project estimation

Change requests managemnet

Tracking change requests in project management development involves:

  • Careful documentation
  • Evaluation
  • Communication
  • Approval
  • Tracking of changes
  • ... to ensure that the project remains on track and that all changes are authorized and approved by the appropriate parties
Agile / Kanban way of working

Kanban task management offers several benefits for software development project management:

  • Improved workflow: Kanban helps to improve the workflow by providing a visual representation of the project status and progress. This helps team members to prioritize tasks and focus on the most important work.
  • Increased efficiency: Kanban helps to increase efficiency by reducing waste, minimizing delays, and improving collaboration. This ensures that tasks are completed faster and with higher quality.
  • Flexibility: Kanban is a flexible approach that can be adapted to different project requirements and workflows. This ensures that the team can easily adjust to changing requirements and respond to new challenges as they arise.

Effective communication is critical for software development projects, and using tools like Active Collab, Telegram, email, and Google Meet can help teams stay connected and informed.

Using a combination of these communication tools can help software development teams to stay connected, informed, and engaged, ensuring that projects are completed on time and with high quality.

Consulting and Mediation experience

Consultancy and mediation can be valuable in various aspects of software development projects:

  • Technical consultancy
  • Guidance on project management best practices, such as how to develop a project plan
  • Conflict mediation can be helpful in resolving conflicts or disagreements that arise during a software development
  • Change management consultancy: A consultant can help teams to manage changes in the project scope, requirements, or timelines.
Workshops and presentations

Workshops can help to improve communication, foster collaboration, and ensure that everyone is aligned on the project goals and timelines.

By providing a structured environment for problem-solving and decision-making, workshops can help to ensure that software development projects are completed on time and with high quality.

We can help in organization workshop for problem solving subjects and on onboarding of a new system or functions.

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