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Media & publishing solutions

Content at your audience’s fingertips

Build something amazing. Create engaging multi-channel experiences to connect with your audience - everywhere. Flexible, relevant and effective, all you need in one solution.

Do you need a publishing platform? Talk to us!

Tailor your media solution with the power of open-source.

Flexible - Digital asset management supports your creative and editorial workflows and gives you complete freedom to seamless integration in everyday work.

Relevant - Multi-channel publishing and personalization enables relevant connections at the right place and the right time.

Effective - Content monetization tools increase revenue and grow your brand.

Studio Present is a certified Thunder integrator – Thunder is an open-source content management system based on Drupal 8 especially useful for professional publishing. It is used by online magazines such as Burda Media magazines, Playboy, Marie Claire, and Pannon.

Built for editors
Create articles with multimedia content. Enrich your article with pictures, videos, and social media snippets. It's really simple for use, so you can arrange everything just the way you want.

Easy Media handling
Add pictures, galleries, and videos to your article just by dragging and dropping everything right where you need it.

Responsive site (Mobile friendly)
With Thunder, editors and administrators can work from any device - easy and fast. Check your article in preview mode on any device - a handy Thunder function.

Schedule content
Plan at which day and time articles should be published – and when they shouldn’t be visible to the public anymore.

Wide range of 3rd party additional functionality by industry partners and the power of the Drupal community with thousands of modules.

Let's talk!